NICHE Gold 520 X-Ring Chain 112 Links With Connecting Master Link

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Product Description

Standard Non O-Ring Chain Lightweight Racing Fast O-Ring Long Life Great Sealant Internal Lube X-Ring Low Friction Long Life Best Chain Most Efficient
NICHE Standard Drive Chain 519-CDC2223H NICHE O-Ring Drive Chain 519-CDC2363H NICHE X-Ring Drive Chain 519-CDC2403H
Lifespan Good Better Best
Friction Lowest Most Low
Sealing None Great Great
Weight Light Heavy Heavy
Cost + ++ +++

  • Always ensure that your sprockets are in good condition, properly aligned and lubricant specifically designed for your chain.
  • Don't let chain maintenance slip past you, a broken chain will ruin anyone's riding day. Stay on top of your lubrication and cleaning practices
  • Replaces chain immediately if it comes in contact with the battery acid. Clean your chain if it comes in contact with salt water or rock salt and lubricate it after cleaning.
  • Do not use harsh solvents or chemicals such as Benzene to clean your chain. We recommend lubricating your chain at every 300-350 miles with a lubricant specifically designed for your chain.

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